Αρχική σελίδα » Προβολή νέων

Προβολή νέων


Research Seminar Series in Economic Sciences, 2021-2022

Speaker: Dr Athanasios (Thanos) Andrikopoulos, Lecturer in Finance and Director of the BSc Accounting & Finance
programmes at University of Hull

Webpage: Dr Thanos Andrikopoulos | University of Hull

Title: “Culture and Borrowers' Behavior: Evidence from Peer-to-Peer Lending”

Date & Time: Wednesday, December 15th, 2021, 19:00 - 20:30

Webex Link: https://uoa.webex.com/uoa/j.php?MTID=m6f2d44769f2375bf2090852c432d9ac6

Url: www.econ.uoa.gr/ereynhtika-seminaria-research-seminars.html

Abstract: We study cultural diversity and borrowers’ behavior using data of peer-to-peer lending platform Renrendai.

We proxy cultural diversity with the Linguistic Diversity Index, measured by the population weighted number of
dialects spoken in a region, and we show that it has a negative (positive) effect on the loan amount (default rate) of the borrowers. We address endogeneity using two novel instruments, the river length and land slope of Chinese
cities, a Heckman two-stage model, and an IV-Heckit model. We also study areas where financial institutions' loan
balances are higher (lower) than average. In areas with low (high) loan balances, the amount borrowed (the default rate) is affected more (less). We argue that lenders’ behavior is a reason that borrowers in diverse cultures apply for smaller loans. Our results pass a number of robustness tests. Finally, we offer suggestions for improving risk management and inclusive financial development.
Organizers: Dimitris Kenourgios, Professor
George Dotsis, Assoc. Professor
Frago Kourandi, Assist. Professor
Thank you.


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